Sunday, June 6, 2010

Last night we attended the Art Institute's "A Feast For The Eyes" fashion show. Fuuun! I cannot wait to go to this school in the fall.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

This weekend I took a mini vacation to Eugene to visit Shannon and watch the marathon! So much fun. We ate at an awesome little place called The Vintage (fondue and crepes, oh my gosh), walked around the Saturday market, watched Dogma (except I fell asleep), rode on the bus, got milkshakes at The 5th Street Market, hung out with the relatives...and basically had a really good time.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Went to a movie at the Fox with ma (The Joneses...interesting), and then ate a really super delicious hamburger from Violetta...

Oh my gosssh.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Baked a dutch apple pie. ♥

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Yesterday we went to Gustav's to celebrate Shannon's early birthday. Swiss cheese fondue, rotisserie chicken, asparagus, mashed was deliciouuusss. Then we went on over to Shari's for milkshakes.

I kind of like how those look like mini people above Shannon and Tim's heads. Or is it just me?

Peanut butter and chocolate!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Alright, so...after giving up on my eight-month adventure over at the Project 365 blog, I just about stopped taking pictures altogether...and now I'm starting to miss it. And so, I have decided to start a visual blog. No real rules, no pressure to post every single day. Just photographs, artwork, and a bit of writing every now and then.
To start off, here are just a few pictures from the past few months...